Is A Prenuptial Agreement Necessary?
Many high net worth individuals who own property, businesses, stock accounts or other significant assets may choose to marry but desire protection from the domestic relations laws. Those contemplating marriage and wishing to secure individualized arrangements may seek counsel to work out a prenuptial agreement before “tying the knot.” It is essential that any prenuptial agreement be draft by an experienced family law attorney to ensure that it will be deemed valid should the marriage end.
Before the marriage, individuals can present their intended spouse with a proposed prenuptial agreement. With the assistance of counsel, negotiations typically ensue. In this way, the couple makes their own agreement about property distribution and other issues to protect their interests in the event of a divorce in the future. Drafting these contractual arrangements to accommodate your needs and circumstances requires experienced legal counsel. Consulting with a Nassau County divorce attorney will ease your concerns about your impending marriage and pave the way for happily ever after.
Prenuptial Agreements And Protecting Your Assets
Prenuptial agreements have become more commonplace over time. Some couples have children from former marriages and hope to maintain hard-earned assets so that they can pass on an inheritance without legal challenges from the other party in the event of a divorce. Others may plan on sharing one party’s home after marriage, and as the law may later deem the property to have become a marital asset, by entering a prenuptial agreement, they are taking action to protect their full right to their own property should the marriage dissolve. When one individual is part owner or full owner of a business, he or she may want to protect business partners and associates from full disclosure of business records and earnings in the event of a contentious divorce.
Many couples find that resolving such matters completely prior to marriage increases their intimacy and understanding of each other. This level of clarity and honesty with regard to their individual expectations leads to a stronger bond in the future. They tend to appreciate the openness and reasonable attention to important matters prior to marriage and move forward knowing that they have increased their chances of achieving a successful long-term union.
Protect Your Future By Exploring A Prenuptial Agreement Today
Contact a lawyer at Jane K. Cristal, P.C., for the drafting of a comprehensive prenuptial agreement that addresses all the financial concerns of the parties involved. We serve clients throughout Nassau County and Long Island.