Photo Of Attorney Jane K. Cristal

Protecting Your Rights And Best Interests

In Divorce And Other Family Law Matters

Enforcement Of Child Support And Spousal Maintenance Payments

Where the court has issued an order of child support or spousal maintenance and the payer fails to comply with that order, the payee is best protected by taking legal action as soon as possible. Spousal support or child support enforcement matters should be addressed by experienced counsel who will advise you of your options with regard to seeking relief in the Supreme Court by way of an Order to Show Cause or filing a petition in Family Court. Our Nassau County enforcement lawyer, will provide you with strong advocacy and guidance to protect your rights to collect the funds due you. You will also be advised of the ways in which New York state has empowered the Child Support Enforcement Bureau to assist you, as a payee, in collecting the financial obligation owed to you.

Judgments And The Child Support Enforcement Bureau

When the payer fails to pay court-ordered support payments, the law offices of Jane K. Cristal, P.C., will seek recovery through a variety of means permitted under New York state law, including income deductions from paychecks, interception of tax refunds, suspension of a driver’s license, suspension of a professional license, incarceration for contempt of court, sequestration, actions taken against the offending party’s real and personal property and seeking contempt, to name a few.

If you are in the position of being unable to collect on court-ordered child support or spousal maintenance payment, we can help. In many instances, after legal action is undertaken and notice served on the breaching party, he or she may decide to work out a settlement rather than face protracted litigation. We will be aggressive in our representation of you – our goal is achieving results.

Get Help Obtaining The Money You Need

Contact a Nassau County enforcement lawyer at Jane K. Cristal, P.C., to address legal issues regarding the failure to pay court-ordered child support or spousal maintenance. We serve clients throughout Long Island.