Photo Of Attorney Jane K. Cristal

Protecting Your Rights And Best Interests

In Divorce And Other Family Law Matters

Legal Counsel For Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce has gained popularity among couples seeking to resolve all divorce issues, including valuation of assets such as businesses and property. This process allows the parties to avoid court appearances, thereby having an opportunity to resolve the legal issues while retaining more control over the process than if they were to go to trial.

It affords the couple the chance to fashion their own agreement. Unlike mediation, each party in the process is represented by an attorney, but not on an adversarial basis. The attorneys involved have the duty to assist in facilitating a sensible and practical settlement for the parties involved.

When specific experts are needed, such as accountants, appraisers or others, both parties will work together with their respective counsel to decide which experts to retain, at what cost and payment arrangement. After the parties reach a settlement in principle, the attorneys work in a collaborative way to draft the agreement. Thereafter, the attorneys will work together to prepare the required divorce documents, together with the other necessary legal paperwork, to be submitted to the court and the judgment of divorce will be processed.

Collaborative Divorce In Nassau County, New York

During the collaborative process, all the legal issues in a divorce are brought to the table including, child support, child custody, visitation, spousal support and property distribution. For spouses who wish to dissolve their marital bonds without court intervention but with the guidance of experienced counsel, this process offers a path to resolution without further damaging the relationship between the parties. It is ideal especially for parents who are determined to avoid court intervention on issues most impacting the children: custody, parenting, time-sharing and support. Property distribution is also often resolved more easily and efficiently when attorneys work together in a nonadversarial atmosphere with parties to structure a settlement that addresses their respective agendas.

When potentially warring parties are willing to come to a solution with the practiced guidance of counsel, the marital dissolution process is generally less stressful, and the resolution, born of a cooperative effort on the part of both the husband and wife, is more likely to be adhered to than if a disappointing directive was issued by the court.

Create A Less Stressful Path To Ending Your Marriage

Contact the collaborative divorce attorney at Jane K. Cristal, P.C. or call 516-744-1910 to discuss the nonadversarial options in divorce. We serve clients throughout Nassau County and Long Island.