Spousal maintenance is financial support from one spouse to the other after a divorce, allowing them to meet their expenses and maintain a standard of living similar to what they were used to during the marriage. Spousal support isn’t automatically granted in every...
Protecting Your Rights And Best Interests
In Divorce And Other Family Law Matters
Jane K. Cristal, P.C. Blog
How is legal custody different?
Custody disputes often center on physical custody, or which parent the child lives with. For instance, perhaps both parents are trying to seek sole custody so that the child will live with them all the time. They may dispute who should get sole custody, or they may be...
Tips for dealing with child custody involving a narcissist
Child custody situations can become contentious for a host of reasons. One possible cause is when a parent is narcissistic. This mental health conditions has several defining characteristics, including being self-centered and living in a false world that centers...
Issues divorcing homeowners need to address
Valuable assets can create more complicated divorce scenarios. The more resources spouses have to divide with one another, the more opportunities they may have to disagree. Particularly valuable assets tend to create greater hostility between divorcing spouses. The...
Key details about closing a bank account during divorce
If you and your spouse are moving toward a divorce, you may want to close your shared bank account. Generally, couples will empty their joint account and start new individual accounts where they can deposit their paychecks moving forward. However, it’s important to...
New York cannot grant legal separations – here is an alternative
While New York does not grant legal separations, couples can achieve similar results through a separation agreement. It is a legally binding document allowing spouses to outline their separation terms while remaining married. Separation agreements can help New...
How long does spousal maintenance typically last?
Spousal maintenance, often referred to as alimony, is financial support provided by one spouse to the other after a divorce. It helps the lower-earning spouse maintain a similar standard of living after the separation. The duration of spousal maintenance varies based...
What does equitable distribution mean?
People preparing for divorce often have a lot of questions. They may feel anxious about the need to divide specific assets. For example, people who have purchased homes or started businesses may want to preserve those assets from liquidation or division during their...
Tips for going through a divorce with a narcissist
The process of divorce is one that’s challenging and complex, even if you and your ex are amicable. If you have an ex who’s a narcissist, the process is going to be even more difficult. One of the classic traits of a narcissist is that they’re self-absorbed. They...
When a co-parent consistently shortens their parenting time
A co-parenting or shared custody arrangement involves a specific breakdown of parenting time. Both parents have a certain percentage of overnight stays with the children and may also see them occasionally for special events. Such arrangements allow both parents to...