The Cristal Difference
Although each one of our clients has their unique and individual set of concerns, they all have one thing in common; they each have the desire for responsive legal advice which is exactly what Jane K. Cristal, P.C., provides. We thoroughly understand the financial, economical and legal ramifications of divorce, as well as the emotional impact it has on you and your family. Our primary focus is always on your best interests. As your legal counsel, we will become more than just your zealous legal advocate; we will also become your ally and your professional adviser.
Our objective is to obtain your desired outcome in the most economical and efficient way possible. Our philosophy is clear: to work out and resolve your legal marital issues in a way that leaves you in the best possible position to begin your new life. By carefully discussing and analyzing our clients’ needs, goals and desired outcomes, we come to know and understand our clients, their concerns and their needs quite well. We then bring to bear our expert knowledge and in-depth experience, offering both insight and practical solutions.
Although we are frequently called upon to handle contentious litigation matters, we remain committed to continually explore throughout any litigation all possible options, as well as alternatives for resolution with the purpose of better serving your long-range needs and objectives. Although Jane K. Cristal, P.C., is an aggressive litigation firm, we also recognize that often times the best results for our clients are achieved more efficiently and economically when we are able to negotiate a settlement.
In effect, we use aggressive litigation tactics in order to create opportunities for settlement negotiations when none had previously existed. Ultimately, if we cannot negotiate a satisfactory settlement, Jane K. Cristal, P.C., will carefully navigate your divorce matter through the court system up to and including the trial and, if it becomes necessary, on appeal. Experience the “Cristal Difference” – it may very well change the way you feel about attorneys.